Mark and Ali Kaiser, the founders of Crescimento Limpo, say that it is always important to invest in Kingdom works. We partner with them in Brazil because of all the faithful ways they invest in kingdom work in Itu, Brazil, and we are thankful for all the wonderful returns God brings from those investments. Everyone that lives at Crescimento Limpo is seen as a child of God with gifts and skills to use in works of restoration. Seeing all people the way that God sees them allows their work to grow in effective and creative ways. Highland wants to work in Abilene to end systemic homlessness in our city, and Crescimento Limpo is living out the same vision in Itu. Their work gives people a home, a family, meaningful work in their garden and cafe, and at their farm. Most importantly, their kingdom investment allows everyone they serve to see their place in God’s loving story of restoration.
To learn more about the the story of Crescimento Limpo and see an update on how the work is being adapted during the pandemic, watch the video below.
Antenor and Phyllis Gonclaves send Highland their report and words of encouragement in the video below.