Welcome to Highland.
Foundations of Faith
In 2000 a group of Highland members worked together to write out a statement of faith. The statement covers what we believe about God, who Jesus is, and the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives as disciples. You may read the full statement here.
We believe in one all-powerful God of love,
who made the world good
and made humankind in his image,
to enjoy fellowship with God and with one another,
and to care for his creation as imitators of him..
God deserves all our worship and praise.
But we sin against God;
disbelieving, disobeying, hiding,
striving to become our own gods;
ruining our relationships with God, with our neighbors, and with nature,
we are lost in death and deserve God’s condemnation.
Yet, in justice and mercy God has acted to redeem His creation,
choosing a covenant people to bless all peoples of the earth.
In grace and faithfulness, God makes us heirs with Christ of the covenant.
We believe in God’s only Son, Jesus Christ,
fully human, fully God,
the Word through whom all things were made.
Jesus came to the earth to teach the truth and to proclaim the reign of God,
preaching good news to the poor,
release to the captives,
healing for the sick,
and forgiveness of sins.
He called all people to repent and believe the Gospel,
the Good News that salvation is found in Him alone.
He was crucified for us,
and on the third day God raised Him from the dead,
defeating the powers of evil and death
and securing for humankind forgiveness of sins
by grace alone through faith alone in Him alone.
He instructed us to observe the Lord’s Supper in His memory
so that by participating in His body and blood,
we regularly commune with Him and with one another.
He ascended to the Father, where He is now our priest and advocate in whose name we pray.
He is Head of the Church under which our congregation governs itself.
He will return to judge the living and the dead
and to deliver us from death to life eternal with God in heaven.
He invited us to join Him as his obedient disciples
in the work of His ministry, the proclamation of the Gospel, and the forming of disciples.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the gift of God promised through Christ for His children and for the Church.
The Spirit convicts the world of sin,
and is the pledge of our adoption as God’s children.
The Spirit intercedes for us in prayer;
and claims us in the waters of baptism,
in which believers are immersed for the forgiveness of sins
to be united with Christ in His Body.
The Spirit of holiness and freedom liberates us from sin,
and claims us as servants of purity,
conforming us to the image of Jesus Christ in our attitudes and conduct.
The Spirit binds us together with believers of all times and places
in the one Body of Christ, the Church;
and calls and empowers men and women for various ministries for building up the Body
and carrying out Jesus’ ministry in the world.
The Spirit inspired the prophets and apostles to speak God’s Word,
guiding the preservation, study, and proclamation of Scripture,
both Old and New Testaments,
the unique revelation of God under which we stand,
our authoritative guide for faith and life.
To God be the glory in the Church and in Jesus Christ
throughout all generations,
for ever and ever!
Our Vision

Our vision, A Restoration Movement, has three components: to Restore Highland, Restore Abilene, and Restore the World. Click “more” to learn about how we are working towards restoration, and how you can join.
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” These words from the penultimate chapter of the Bible speak a bold vision of God’s preferred future for the world.
For many years, Highland has prayed The Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6 during worship services. Every time we gather together we pray, “…Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” We do not sit idly by and wait for God to restore creation. We believe that God’s Kingdom is present in the here and now of everyday life, and we seek to partner with God, through the Holy Spirit, to work towards the restoration of all things.
What does a nearly 100-year-old church look like?
Highland Church of Christ will celebrate turning 100 in 2029. Take a peek inside our storied history where from the very beginning Highland’s heart for God, deep love for Abilene, and consistent invitation for people to follow Jesus Christ has shaped and formed everything we do.
Ready to Join?
Here are 3 things you can do to become part of Highland.
Connect Card
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Weekly Newsletter
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