Holy Week Lunch

April 14 11:45 am - 1:00 pm  |  Atrium, Highland Church of Christ

425 Highland Avenue, Abilene, TX, USA

For over 40 years, the Downtown Abilene Churches have rotated hosting Holy Week lunches. This year Highland is hosting on Monday, April 14 with guest speaker, Matt Cook from First Baptist Church. Join us in the atrium from 11:45am-1pm to hear a message and meet with some of our downtown neighbors. Bring your own lunch, dessert and drinks will be provided. See the schedule below or here (2025 Holy Week Flyer) for the full week’s lunches.

Full Holy Week Lunch Schedule:
Monday, April 14
Highland, details above
Tuesday, April 15
lunch @ St. Paul United Methodist // speaker: Cliff Stewart
Wednesday, April 16
lunch @ First Central Presbyterian // speaker: Benji van Fleet
Thursday, April 17
lunch @ First Baptist Church // speaker: Shane Hughes