Friday Playground Hours
Every Friday at 9:00 am
Children are welcome here! Children and our children’s ministry are close to God’s heart and ours, too. Scroll down to find more information about what to expect on your first visit, our weekly gathering times, special events and more.
These words of Jesus from Matthew 19:14 help shape our belief that children are full participants in the gathered church and Highland's restoration vision. We seek to welcome all children, just as Jesus did. We invite children to join God’s story as we gather in worship, in table communities, and in service. Getting to know Jesus and each other is at the heart of His Kids Ministry. Opportunities to hear and respond to God’s word happen every time we gather.
We’re so glad you’ve chosen to join us.
It’s important for us to know your child’s name! To help us get to know your family, we ask that you check in at one of our Realm computer kiosks located in the foyers around our worship center. Once you complete the check-in process, please print out a name tag for your child. Click the “Pre-Register Your Child” button to let us know you are coming and make check-in smoother.
All staff and volunteers have completed references, background checks, and participated in Ministry Safe training.
Although we provide spaces where young children can go during our congregational worship assemblies, children are welcome in our worship center, just as God created them with their accompanying wiggles and noises! We love seeing families and friends model how to be in worship together, helping them learn the songs, say the Lord’s Prayer and offer up precious “Prayers of the People.” Like most of us, young children learn by doing. We believe God’s heart is filled with delight when God hears a tiny voice echo the words of a song or prayer.
We have a Mom’s nursery and Family Room where parents and grandparents can sit with children who need a little more space and freedom. These rooms are located off the South Foyer. Buddy Bags and noise reducing headphones are also available for your family’s use.
Click on each block to see more information.
On Sunday mornings, there are specific experiences that have been intentionally created for your children. While some of these experiences are provided during our worship services, children are welcome in our auditorium as full participants (wiggles and noises included). Young children, like most of us, learn by doing and we believe that God's heart is filled with delight when God hears a tiny voice echo the words of a song or prayer. If a child is needing a little more space & freedom during service, the Mom's Nursery and Family Room (located off the South Foyer) are available.
Ages: Birth – 35 Months
Location: Nursery Suite – Off South Foyer
When: During both worship services at 8:45 am + 11 am // 10 am Bible class
We provide a safe, loving and nurturing environment for babies and toddlers to learn about God’s steadfast love. Age-appropriate curriculum focuses on God’s love and God’s creation. Two truths that capture the imagination of babies and toddlers are “God loves me” and “God made me.”
Ages: 3 – 5 Years Old
Location: Downstairs in Children’s Wing
When: 10 – 10:45 am
Our preschool children learn God’s truths through foundational Bible stories and hands-on learning experiences that nurture their developing faith. Play is the wonderfully important work of young children, so many of the learning experiences in this age group have roots in purposeful play.
Ages: Kindergarten – 5th Grade
Location: Upstairs in Children’s Wing
When: 10 – 10:45 am
Our elementary kids journey through the Bible each week by participating in praise and worship, hearing God’s word, and engaging in learning centers that help them find their place in God’s story. Learning to love and serve others in the name of Jesus is part of the foundation of their developing faith. During the elementary years, children also begin learning the life-long practice of spiritual disciplines. Can prayer, worship, coming to quiet, and dwelling in God’s word change the heart and life of a child? The answer, quite simply, is “yes!”
Ages: 3 Years Old – Kindergarten
Location: Rm 113 – Off South Foyer
When: Offered during the sermon during both worship services
This special Sunday morning worship time is designed to tell God’s story so that young children may encounter God, experiencing the awe and wonder of God’s great love. Preschool and kindergarten children join their family and friends in the auditorium for congregational worship and the Lord’s Prayer before they are invited to the His Kids Worship gathering just before the sermon begins.
September - May // 7-8 p.m.
“Together we’re better” is one of our favorite sayings, and our mid-week, Wednesday night gathering can help us connect with each other while hearing God’s story in a relaxed learning environment.
Ages: Nursery, Toddlers, & 2 year olds (birth – 36 months)
Location: Preschool Blue Room (located downstairs in the North Children’s Wing)
It’s the middle of the week at the end of the day, so this is a snuggly time where babies and toddlers experience God’s love through the care of committed volunteers and staff.
Age: Preschool (3 Years Old) – Preschool (5 Years Old)
Location: Preschool Blue Room (located downstairs in the North Children’s Wing)
Active storytelling is the key to Wednesday night Bible class! We’ll take a journey with Abraham, follow Moses in the desert, help Joshua knock down a wall and follow in the footsteps of Jesus as he invites people to know and love God.
Ages: Kindergarten + 1st Grade
Location: Elementary Yellow Room (located upstairs in North Children’s Wing)
Ages: 2nd + 3rd Grade
Location: Elementary Orange Room (located upstairs in North Children’s Wing)
Ages: 4th + 5th Grade
Location: Elementary Blue Room (located upstairs in North Children’s Wing)
These muli-age gatherings provide a wonderful time for children to be in relationship with each other as they hear God’s story and practice together the spiritual disciplines of “coming to quiet” and prayer. The purple, yellow and orange rooms become a space where we invite God to join us each week! It’s our time to be with God and God’s time to be with us. We’ll explore stories of the Bible, taking time to wonder together, expecting to hear something new each week.
Mark your family calendar for these upcoming special events! Click on each event for more information.
There are 3 locations where you can find information: the information desk in the Atrium, the children’s information desk in the North Foyer and the Nursery Suite, located off the South Foyer. If you need help finding these areas, ask the greeter who said “hello” as you entered Highland.
When you check in at a REALM kiosk, there is a place for you to designate allergies or special needs. This information will be printed on their nametag. We also suggest you tell an adult leader about your child’s specific needs.
Worship is a high value at Highland. When we gather as a body each week, it is important to us that every person feels welcome in our worship spaces.
Buddy Bags were created to accommodate those with sensory sensitivities and/or active bodies and hands. Each bag contains a visual schedule of a typical Highland worship service and several different fidget toys.
Buddy Bag stations are located around the back of the auditorium, in the atrium and in the south foyer. There you can pick up a buddy bag and noise-reducing headphones. Please return the bag and headphones after service.
Snacks are provided in most of our classes and usually consist of a package of fruit snacks, goldfish, animal crackers or pretzels. Occasionally the snack will be a supporting part of the lesson. In that case, the snack and ingredients will be listed outside the classroom door. For allergy concerns, please visit with an adult class leader.
The average length of our worship service is 60 minutes. Bible classes are 45 minutes.
You will see everything from jeans and play clothes to dresses. Children sit on the floor in many of our gathering spaces, so comfortable clothing is best!
More than 50 volunteers serve each week in His Kids Ministry, making a difference in the lives of our children. It takes a village to share and live God’s story together. We have opportunities for all kinds of service from caring for a baby in the nursery to teaching 5th graders. We structure our gathering times so volunteers can focus on building relationships with the children. We believe consistent interaction with trusted, familiar adults is an essential component to a child’s spiritual formation. All volunteers are required to pass a background check and complete a MinistrySafe Training.
His Kids Volunteer Interest Form
Playground hours are subject to change, such as during the holiday season. Always check here for the current playground hours.
Our indoor play space, located in the South Foyer, is open when Highland gathers and two additional times throughout the week. Since the play space isn’t staffed, we ask for parents to supervise their children on the indoor playground. We are excited to share this space with our neighbors and community!