Bible Class Offerings

Sunday Morning Classes

Sunday morning classes meet 10 - 10:45am in various classrooms. Check below for information on each of our available classes:

Children's Ministry

We have gathering spaces for children of all ages. Please check your child in at one of the check-in kiosks located around the auditorium. If you need help checking in or finding your child’s class, please stop by the Kid’s Info Desk or the Nursery window.

Birth-2 Years
Located: Nursery (Off of the South Foyer)

3 Years-5th Grade 
Located: North Children’s Wing

Student Ministry

6th Grade-12th Grade 
Located: Room 207

Student Ministry offers elective classes that students can choose to attend throughout the year, but everyone begins for donuts and fellowship in Room 207.

University Ministry

Young adults ages 18 and up:
Located: University Classroom (NW corner on the 2nd Floor)

Adult Faith

Join us in one of our classroom communities each week at 10am. We have classes for every age and stage of life. If you need help finding a class, please check at the Info Desk in the main Atrium.

Abundant Journey
Located: Room 201 // Class Leaders: Jonathan & Jackie Sharp, David and Cynthia Kneip
Seeking Jesus’ promise for abundant life in Him, this class will nurture a daily commitment to prayer, worship, service, studying, fellowship and testimony. Guests and friends of all ages are welcome!

Bilingual Class: 与神同行 Walking With God
Room 101 // John Xu, Hang Qi, Gao Fei, Ji Wei, Joel Dajiang, Jessica Yian
欢迎加入我们的中英双语查经班,一同学习如何在日常生活中与神同行。通过圣经学习、视频课程、讨论和团契,我们将探讨如何在神的同在中生活。无论您是刚刚接触信仰,还是已经跟随基督多年,这个课堂都将为您提供一个温馨的学习和成长空间。Join us for bilingual discussion and fellowship as we explore how to grow together and live faithfully with Jesus.

Celebrate Life
Located: Room 104 // Class Leader: Terry St. Pierre & Darell Martin
This is a Bible class and a small group discussion for strengthening followers of Jesus for new life habits and a more Christian lifestyle. Adults of all ages and walks of life are welcome.

Located: Room 112 // Class Leader: David Lang and Dan Allen
A large multigenerational class that desires to know and be known by Jesus. The class strives for a warm welcome where Christ is honored through prayer, Bible study and fellowship.

Living in the Promise
Located: Living Room // Class Leaders: Monty Lynn, Larry Folwell, & Tim Sensing
Our class is a large multigenerational class for discovery and application of truths from God’s Word to contemporary life.

Men’s Bible Study
Located: Room 204 // Class Leaders: Don Elliot & Wayne Franklin
This small community provides open discussion, Bible study and relationships of accountability for men of all ages.

More Than Conquerors
Located: Room 110 // Class Leaders: Terry Pope & David Wray
This is a class for active senior adults. Six or seven women/men rotate in teaching biblical text, theological principles, and contemporary spiritual issues. Most studies are four to five weeks in duration.

Located: Room 100 // Class Leaders: Richard Beck, Brad East, Mollie Spaulding, Dorothy Andreas, and John Boyles
We are a multigenerational discussion class for those who see themselves as travelers on a spiritual journey. This class focuses on challenging biblical study, asking hard questions, and trying to find practical answers.

Quest 209
Located: Room 209 // Class Leaders: Chris & Cathy Moore, Roland & Jeri Orr, Rob & Cheryl Cunningham, Kevin & Sarah Campbell, Randy Harris
Singles, young marrieds, and young families are welcome to this class.

Pop-Up Classes

Our pop-up classes are limited-time Bible classes offered over a few weeks on special topics at our normal 10am Sunday morning time. If you’d like to inquire about pop-up classes, please email Leah Kranz (

Upcoming Pop-Up Classes:

The Finished Work of Christ / Carol Nelson facilitates / March 16 – April 13 / Room 111
Based on the book The Indwelling Life of Christ by W. Ian Thomas. Join us for discussion and to hear about how the good news of Jesus never returns void.

Wednesday Night Classes

Most classes meet from 7 - 8pm during the school year.

Click below for current schedules for Freedom and Grace Fellowship.

Children's Ministry

Age: Nursery, Toddlers, & 2 year olds (birth – 36 months)
Location: Preschool Blue Room (located downstairs in the North Children’s Wing)

Age: Preschool (3 Years Old) – Preschool (5 Years Old)
Location: Preschool Blue Room (located downstairs in the North Children’s Wing)

Ages: Kindergarten + 1st Grade
Location: Elementary Yellow Room (located upstairs in North Children’s Wing)

Ages: 2nd + 3rd Grade
Location: Elementary Orange Room (located upstairs in North Children’s Wing)

Ages: 4th + 5th Grade
Location: Elementary Blue Room (located upstairs in North Children’s Wing)

Check the His Kids page for more information.

Contact Ashley Crisp

Student Ministry

Huddles meet on Wednesdays from 7-8pm. 6th – 10th Grade meet at Highland and 11th/12th meet in homes. 

Contact Ashley & Reid

Adult Faith


Wednesday adult classes typically occur as limited series. Please check the “Weekly Gatherings” section of our homepage for updated info.

Men’s Gathering / begins March 19 / 6:30pm / Room 112 / All men welcome
The series this spring will focus on “Practicing the Way,” based upon the book of the same name by John Mark Comer. Starting time will be 6:30pm fellowship and meal, followed by 7pm study, all in Room 112.

“Risk it for the Biscuit” – A Study in Biblical Metaphor / Tim Stidham leads / March 19 – May 7 / 7pm / Room 110 / All adults welcome
Join us to explore how biblical metaphor affects our reading of Scripture together!

Highland Prayer meets regularly on Wednesdays at 7:15pm. Please call for an appointment and location information at (325) 673-5295.

Freedom Fellowship:

941 Chestnut St, Abilene, TX 79602
Meal begins at 6pm / Worship begins at 7pm
Leader: Terry St. Pierre

Grace Fellowship:

910 Cypress St, Abilene, TX 79601
Meal begins at 6pm / Worship is 6:30pm-7:15pm
Leader: Dodd Roberts