Highland Cares

Highland Cares - Here To Support You

Highland Cares is a network of Highland members who are ready to care for one another by sharing God's love during hard times of life. We believe that we have been created to live in community and that no one should have to navigate life alone. If you are in need of someone to come alongside of you, click the button below to get connected with support and resources.

Care Resources


If you would like for Highland to join you in prayer, email highlandcares@highlandchurch.org.  We will respond to learn what your prayer request is and whether you wish for it to be sent to all members in the Highland Cares email list, to the prayer ministry team, or to elders and ministers only.


The Highland elders want to help you in your time of need.  If you would like for one to call or visit you (or a friend), email highlandcares@highlandchurch.org. Or, you may reach out to an elder directly at any time.

Connection for Homebound Members

We have a team that works to maintain connection to our homebound members and those with limited mobility. If you (or a loved one) would like for members of this team to call or make a visit to the home, please call 325-673-5295 or email highlandcares@highlandchurch.org.

Funeral Support

Call the church office at 325-673-5295 or email highlandcares@highlandchurch.org to discuss funeral arrangements for a loved one.  Highland ministry staff and elders will coordinate with you and the funeral home to assist with the funeral service.  Also, members of the Highland Cares funeral team would like to serve a meal to the family on the day of the service.

Financial Assistance (Members)

Highland offers a Share the Joy program for Highland members experiencing hardship.  Fill out the form below or contact highlandcares@highlandchurch.org for more information.

Share the Joy Fund Project Assistance Request Form

Fields marked with an * are required

Financial Assistance (Community)

Highland offers financial assistance with utility bills through our Community Ministry. Contact becky@highlandchurch.org or call 325-673-1234.

Professional Counseling

The Highland Counseling Center offers professional counseling.

Learn More

Ready to Help Others?

The Highland Cares network has a place for all who wish to serve in this ministry. If you'd like to get involved in any of these ways listed above or below, please call or email us.


(325) 673-5295

Email Us


Ways To Belong

This network is built upon the bedrock of our love and care for one another.  No formal system or roles can replace the holy calling and important work of bearing each other’s burdens for the sake of sharing God’s love.

Serve as a Care Contact in your Bible Class, Small Group, or Ministry Team.

Highland Cares has three rotating funeral teams led by Steve Gibbs, Dianne Greene, and Ronalyn Sutphen.

This team is committed to checking on our homebound members and sharing communion monthly with those with limited mobility. This is a good place for all ages to belong and participate.

This is an affirmation or encouragement. “Share the Love” cards are available in the seat backs of the auditorium chars. Fill one out and drop it in the offering box. Our staff will mail it for you.

Serve as a Point Person for someone going through a crisis. The Point Person helps streamline communication and coordinates practical assistance for members who are experiencing a crisis.

Congregational Care Staff

Cindy Stewart

Congregational Care Coordinator