Weekly Rhythm
During the school year, Student Ministry follows a predictable weekly rhythm of meeting on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

Sunday Mornings
All 6th-12th Grade students gather in Room 207, on the 2nd floor next to the elevator. We have a brief time of welcome and fellowship over donuts and coffee or hot chocolate before diving into a biblically-based lesson.

Wednesday Evenings
Our Students are in grade based discussion groups on Wednesday evenings from 7-8pm.
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Lately in HSM

Huddles meet on Wednesday evenings from 7-8pm. All 6th-10th grade Huddles meet at Highland and 11th/12th Grade meet off campus. Contact Ashley and Reid for specific location information.

Bible Classes
We gather in Room 207 each week for a time of fellowship and worship before splitting into breakout classes.
Our Core Values
In Jesus, God chooses to be with us, and because we are Christ to the world, Highland will enthusiastically welcome all people by walking with them according to their needs before judging or trying to change behavior. The hope is that young people and adults will seamlessly work side by side in all areas of Highland’s vision, according to their gifting, to embody the love of Christ to Highland, Abilene, and the World.
We believe students need a place to belong. It is important to us that each student is enthusiastically greeted each week, has several adults in their life that check in regularly, and they are known by their peers. Both students and adults in Highland Student Ministry are dedicated to ensuring students have a safe space to be themselves free of judgement. Each time we gather is an opportunity to welcome someone in and learn more about Jesus through knowing them.
Our primary expression of Table within Student Ministry is Huddles — a grade-based smaller community hosted by devoted adults. Huddles meet on Wednesday evening at 7:00pm during the school year and are the best way to get involved in Student Ministry.
We believe the Bible is the living Word of God. It is the story of us, and the way we receive guidance. We prioritize biblical teaching and equipping students to think critically and engage the Bible on their own. When we reach a point in the Bible where we do not understand what it is saying, or it seems to conflict with another portion of the Bible, we look to the words of Jesus. We believe Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We want to be biblical scholars with Jesus’ words as the filter through which we view Scripture.
Students lead a time of praise and worship regularly for our ministry. Our teaching time is often attached to a helpful worship practice so students can interact with the message in a worshipful way throughout the week. This includes: contemplative reading of scripture, breath prayer, sabbath practices and acts of devotion.
Students are not the church of the future, they are the church right now. Students are provided opportunities to partner alongside adults in service to engage Highland’s vision to restore Highland, Abilene, and the World. We will provide scaffolding for students to partner alongside the rest of Highland, and none of us will shy away from doing hard things. We believe if it is Kingdom work, then it is not too difficult.
Worship is the expression of our love and devotion to the Creator. Worship can also bring people together in unifying ways. We want students to experience meaningful worship together in order to better know who God is, so in turn, they better know themselves. Our favorite way to do this is to ask students to lead each other in worship.
Students are capable and willing to engage their faith in difficult ways. Living by faith is an important step in spiritual development that often occurs at some point in adolescence. Throughout their time in Highland Student Ministry, the goal is for students to transition from sharing their faith with their family, to owning it personally and claiming it through baptism. We desire to be a people who live out their faith in Abilene by following Jesus Christ and entering into relationship with him.
We see students face-to-face at most for three hours each week. Parents are always going to be students’ primary spiritual guide. Our job is to scaffold and strengthen the spiritual formation of your family. We want to equip parents to step into this role and be empowered to lead their student’s through a transformational walk with Jesus. Our promise to parents and caretakers is to walk alongside you and your student through adolescence, provide you with resources, and encourage you along the way.
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