Baptism Information

What is Baptism?
Baptism is the act of declaring Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life before being immersed in water by someone else. You see this in Scripture in the story of Jesus (Mark 1:9-11) and Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8: 26-40). We wear our baptisms as an identity marker of a life lived for Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

Baptism at Highland
Baptism has always been a high value at Highland. In fact, even the way our auditorium was designed had baptism in mind. The current auditorium structure was built in 1956 after Highland rapidly outgrew the previous gathering place. 90 foot beams were brought in by railroad car from Oregon to offer both stabilization and design. The beams join together in the baptistry, making the waters of baptism the focal point and center of the room. Your eyes naturally follow the path of the beams from the floor, up to the ceiling, across to the baptistry. This was, and remains to this day, a public declaration that baptism is at the center of Highland.

Baptism as Restoration
You were created in the image of God and you are deeply loved. God meets you in the waters of baptism, just as Jesus was met with a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit at his baptism (Mark 1:9-13). When you are baptized, you have died to self, and have been raised to new life through the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe baptism is the full immersion of the disciple into Jesus Christ for a new life in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Your Baptism Story
Your baptism unites you with “a great cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1) throughout the entire world and throughout the history of Christianity. Our baptisms unite us all (Gal. 3:26-27, Eph. 4:4-6). Your baptism story is more than the moment of your baptism. It is a compilation of all the moments and people that lead you to the waters to say “yes” to being changed forever by Jesus Christ.
The area around our baptistry contains rocks with names written on them. These rocks represent people and stories that have led us into the waters of baptism, supported us along the way, and instilled in us the story of Jesus Christ.
In the coming days and years, following Jesus won’t always be easy. In the difficult moments, remember your baptism story. Practice recalling and retelling your story privately on paper, with a trusted friend, or with your community. We want to be a church that knows one another’s stories. In moments of conflict, our baptism stories unify us.
Baptism FAQs
There is no set timeline for baptism. This is a deeply personal choice, and no one can determine whether you are “ready” except you. Readiness is not an indicator of knowledge or understanding, but of heart and intention.
You are welcome to select whoever you’d like to baptize you. Most people choose someone who impacted their faith journey – maybe a parent, friend, mentor, or minister. If you don’t know someone you want to ask, one of our ministers would be happy to baptize you. Fill out the baptism form below and we’ll be in touch.
Highland has no specific script, creed, verse, or proclamation that we encourage everyone to use. Most people say something like the following, but you are welcome to use your own words.
Baptizer: Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God?
You: I do
Baptizer: Do you believe that he died for your sins, was buried, and raised to new life three days later?
You: I do
Baptizer: Based on that confession, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We recommend wearing a dark shirt with minimal patterns or branding, and athletic shorts or swimsuit bottoms. Shoes are optional in our baptistry.
You should be baptized somewhere that your community can celebrate with you, whether at Highland or elsewhere.
If you would like to be baptized at Highland on a Sunday morning, give us a few days notice and we will make it happen.
- Figure out who will baptize you.
- Contact our worship team.
- Arrive to service 15 minutes early to head back to the dressing rooms and be fully ready by the time service begins.
If you are going to be baptized elsewhere, please let us know. We would love to attend and/or show a picture or video of your baptism at Highland.
Our baptistry is very long and narrow. Most baptisms require the one being baptized to squat down instead of leaning backwards. On the bright side, it is heated!
Our baptism dressing rooms have recently been renovated. We will provide clean towels for you and the person baptizing you. We also have waders in several different sizes if your baptizer does not have a change of clothes available.
Congratulations! We will mail you a certificate and letter from our office.
At the back of our auditorium, you’ll find baskets with blank rocks and markers in them. We’d love for you to sign the rock as well as write down any names, details, or verses that contributed to your baptism story. We will place the rock in our baptistry for you.
We want to invite you into a life connected at Highland through our pathway, which means participating in worship, a small group expression, and serving.