Welcome to Highland Church of Christ
We believe that the Lord is in the business of restoring all people and all things, and we can’t wait to see what God has planned for you. Whether you’re new to church or have been a Christian for many years, you are welcome at Highland. Our hope is to provide a place where you are able to explore and experience God's mercy and welcome.
What To Expect
What can you expect if you decide to join us in-person?


When you arrive at Highland, you’ll find reserved parking specifically for guests on the north side of our building. Look for the black signs!

What to Wear
At Highland, there is no dress code. You’ll see some people show up in suits and others wear jeans or sweats. We want you to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Worship Service
Highland offers both an a cappella and instrumental worship service. We spend time together worshiping God through song, lifting up our prayers, sharing communion, and hearing a sermon based in Scripture.
When You Arrive

Coffee & Donuts
Stop by the atrium on your way in and enjoy a cup of coffee or a donut, provided by our Hospitality Ministry.

Need Help?
Stop by the Welcome Desk in the main atrium or find someone wearing a “Hello, How Can I Help?” lanyard. Our team wants to help your visit go smoothly.

Check Your Kids In
It’s important for us to know your child’s name! To help us get to know your family, we ask that you check in at one of our Realm computer kiosks located in the foyers around our worship center. All children need a name tag if they are attending a children’s gathering time. Once you complete the check-in process, please print out a name tag for your child.
If you need help checking in, a volunteer at the North Kid’s Welcome Desk or at the nursery window will be happy to help.
We Have a Place for You
At Highland, our desire is for you to join the story of God’s restoration. God, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God is restoring all of creation. One of the ways that Highland partners with God is through loving people, and helping each person who comes here to grow in their discovery who God created them to be.
Throughout their time in Highland Student Ministry, the goal is for students to transition from sharing their faith with their family, to owning it personally and claiming it through baptism. We desire to be a people who live out their faith in Abilene by following Jesus Christ and entering into relationship with him.
We value our University Students as full participants in God’s restorative work at Highland, in Abilene, and throughout the world. Highland University Ministry participates in the restoration of God by prioritizing: rest, recognizing God living in one another, and restorative practices.
No matter what age or stage of life you’re in we have a community ready to grow and do life with you. Our Adult Faith offerings range from young adults, parenting children and students, empty nesters, all the way up through our most senior members. We value being a multigenerational church that offers both intergenerational and stage-based care.